Tuesday 8 March 2011

Photography Identity- Age: We Too Shall Grow Old

We Too Shall Grow Old- Natalie Kirk

In 1980s photographer John Willis visited nursing homes and the elderly people who reside there.

The images are black and white, ambiently lit. They look delicate, fragile, like the subjects.

Willis questions our perception of what it's like growing old in our contempory society. The work isn't intenet on speaking out against nursing homes, but it does raise the question that, while there is a genuine need for them and the services they provide, are they, we, doing enough to help? Does our society need to improve its means to properly care for our elderly, whether in a nursing home or not?

We have a responsibility to care for elderly yet it feels like society has forgotten those in need of our help and thier contributions to our society, sadly it seems easier for it to be that way but, it isn't right and it isn't fair.
Willis' goal for this work was to inspire people to act on behalf of the elderly, individually or on a larger scale. "If compassion and empathy for others is not enough to make us act then I suggest we remember that we too shall grow old."-John Willis

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