Wednesday 26 March 2014

Review of: "Spoken Image: Photography and Language - Clive Scott" by Emily Tweedie

Review of: "Spoken Image: Photography and Language - Clive Scott" 

by Emily Tweedie

   The family album us something that we all have had, but is dying out due to advances in technology. In society in this day and age keep photographs on things such as Facebook and other social medias.  
Clive Scott splits his book into separate paragraphs. 230 pages into Clive Scott's book, he starts to explain what his perception of what a family album is. He believes that the father creates the photographs for the album and the mother puts the album together, although what is not considered that the "family" has a different definition in this century. A family has a range of definitions, different structures than the original "family", such as having two mothers or two fathers as well as families being split up and the child lives with either of their one of their parents.
   Scott explains that the family album being sociably acceptable. This is a true statement as there is only "good" things in a family album; there is rare amount, if any pictures of the family being sad or unhappy. The content is only things that we would want other people to see; such as marriage, graduation, and the family progressing naturally.
   Scott also writes about the family album being in a narrative structure. The family album seems to start off with the beginning to the current day. It continues to have the strong, remember-able points of a families life. I believe this point to be true, as I don't think anyone would put the photographs in a random order.
   In conclusion, Clive Scott makes some good points in his book although with them being considered in this day and age then there could be a good argument of to whether these points are true or not.

Cover of the Book

Harvard Reference:

[Book] - Clive Scott, 1999, The Spoken Image: Photography and Language, Reaktion Books, 26/03/14,, WWW. 

[Image] - 26/03/14,, WWW.

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