Monday, 4 March 2013

Photographer photograph their families

The traditional family album usually contains photographs of happy memories and moments that wish to be kept. They’re rarely photographs of unhappy moments or bad memories we wish to forget. Julia Margaret Cameron is a photographer that would photograph her family, but instead of capturing special memories, they would be portraits of her loved ones. In her photographs she has an imaginative use of light and focus.

'Behold, the most beautiful old man in the world!'
This is a photograph of Charles Hay Cameron who was Julia Margaret Camerons husband. In this photo the textures are soft which emphasise his withered face and hair. However even though the photo may display his age, his eyes and alert gaze show that he is intelligent.

'Devotion - Archie, My grandchild, 1865'

She also photographed her Grandson, Archie who was the first child of her eldest son. This photograph is different from the one of her husband as it is a much more intimate scene. The photograph shows the love between the two family members and isn't just seen as a photographer and her model. The photograph also has religious references of Mary and the baby Jesus. The photo is concentrated on the baby, with cameron looking as if she is more in the background and slightly out of focus. The photo is clearly an intimate family moment and something which could only be achieved by having such a relationship.

Bookstock - Julia Margaret Cameron, Joanne Lukitsh.

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