Tuesday, 21 January 2014

All that is Solid Melts into Air

The exhibition made by Jeremy Deller called All That is Solid Melts into Air at the Manchester art gallery is a show that shows the impact of the industrial revolution on the British culture back in the 19th century and the influence on us and our lives today, the exhibition was over all very attracting and I can see that he tried to use the contemporary/historical artefacts in different ways to expose the influence of the industrial revolution on the British culture, the show included old text, old music jukebox and films of the industrial revolution century, I personally found it interesting how there was a link between the digital revolution and the industrial revolution also it’s almost like a journey that takes you back in time.

The great painting by John Martin (the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah)
 I found the first painting in the gallery the most amusing and the best opening for the show, it looks like it was an explosion that lightened up the night for those that are going to live longer (the new generation) and the lighting in the middle looks like it was a protection, the painting was a more of a warning about the potential implosion of society destroying itself under the weight of its since and diseases although his vision was right but it all came with a bigger advantage because that revelation brightened up the future more than destroying it. I thought this painting explains the title of the show the most
The second picture I found interesting was Dennis Hutchinson’s image of Adrian Street, I found this very similar to the painting with its meaning, jermey standing on the right side overly dressed up when the rest are looking almost like they see him as the bright future they were not going to live

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